Here at Byron Bay Skin Care we don’t like to play favourites, but when it comes to one particular ingredient we can’t help ourselves. I’m afraid we have become quite passionate about a little olive sized fruit traditionally known as the Gubinge or more commonly in the cosmetic world as Kakadu Plum.

The Kakadu Plum is an Australian native which is found growing in the top end of Australia, more densely in the Kakadu National Park (hence the nickname). This little super fruit is nothing new to the indigenous people of the land, they have been picking this wild fruit for bush tucker and general well-being for thousands of years.  Within the cosmetic industry however, the discovery for its uses have led to some astonishingly effective new skincare.

Kakadu Plum is now known as the the richest natural form of Vitamin C, featuring this super fruit in our Vitamin C+ Serum has allowed us to produce a serum that effectively promotes the rejuvenation of cell growth, which jump starts the formation of collagen. Effectively repairing sun damage, lightening age spots and reduce the signs of ageing.  It is also a rich antioxidant that by protecting the skin from free radicals will leave skin feeling nourished and restored with moisture.

Being such a powerful ingredient has meant the demand for the Kakadu Plum is on the rise. Foreign cosmetic giants have been trying unsuccessfully to commercially grow the fruit on a global scale. Removing this native fruit from its sacred land and out of the hands of their traditional owners. However, the fruits produced in this manner have so far proved to be far less valuable in vitamins and minerals.

Fortunately for the time being the most successful way to grow the fruit remains wild harvesting, and the best farmers remain the indigenous community’s native to the land, who we are so proud to be able to support and will continue to support in the future.

The connection Kakadu conveys to our beautiful land and its traditional owners is just one of the reasons why we think the Kadadu Plum is so special to us, along with all its impressive, unchallenged healing properties. So not only will you see fantastic results when using our Vitamin C+ Serum, you can also feel great about the fact that you are supporting Australian all the way from the land to the product in your hand.

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